Creating a Store Package

Making packages will allow users to purchase them from your noclip store.


Picture step by step: (Will be added Soon)

The Location of Creating a Package.

First you will need to go to your noclip dashboard, then scroll down on the left hand side until you see a shopping cart icon.

Creating the Package

Once you have located the “Package” tab, you need to press “New package”. Then on the fist tab of creating a package you will need to enter the package information.

Next you will need to set the price of the package, you can also make the package rebuyable, this is so people can rebuy the package even if they have brought it. You also have the option to make the package Permanent or to set an Expiry time. You have the choice to make the package a custom price, so your users can choose the price they want to pay.

Next you will need to select a server that you want the package to be delivered too. Make sure you select a Category where you want the package to appear. If you don’t have any Category’s made then presss the icon above the shopping cart icon, then you will be able to create one there.

Finally the last options are completly up to you, you have the choice of the weight ( A higher value number means the further up the package will be), then you have the choice to make the package a featured package, this mean it will be highlighted in rainbow on your store and users will know this is your featured package. Then you can upload a preview photo and a cover photo for your package

Setting up the package actions.

Once you have created your package, press the edit button next to the package you want to edit, then scroll all the way down and press “Actions”, then press New action. Then you have the option to add custom lua, give ranks, give stuff via console commands + much more. Once you have selected your action either press create or Create & create another.


If you encounter any problems with setting up, please join our Discord here.